Emmanuel J Morales

Jay Emmanuel is an accomplished singer who has turned his voice into a powerful healing tool. Emmanuel has developed a unique healing system that combines vocal sounds, breathing techniques, along with simple movements of the body and hands that can break up negative patterns and create health and emotional well-being.

Emmanuel says that he can diagnose a client simply by listening to their voice.

“I need to hear the client speak for at least one minute,” he says. “From listening to the tone and the way they talk, I can learn what their physical and emotional issue is – and where the blockages are.”

Based on this diagnosis, Emmanuel says that he will prescribe a specific harmonic tone and breathing exercise.  He will also prescribe supplements and herbs they should be taking – based on their issue.”

Emmanuel will use his own powerful voice and singing bowls to create a catalyst for the client’s healing.

Emmanuel is the author of the ground-breaking book “Healing Forces of Harmonic Sounds and Vibrations and Healing Through the Power of the Voice and Mind,” which is one of the most comprehensive books on vibrational healing ever written.

The book describes the vibrational nature of the human body, the mind, and its effects on the body’s organs and systems.  He teaches how to re-establish the proper harmonic tones and frequencies within the subtle energy fields of the body and chakras, leading to restored health and emotional well-being.

“The secret to healing is breathing and sound.  The sound goes into the pineal gland activates the entire body, stimulates the immune, and brings inflammation down,” he says. “I teach them that we all have the power inner healing inside you important to activate your own healing.”

Emmanuel also has a protocol for many specific issues, most notable the Coronavirus and emerging viruses.

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