Dream Interpretation

Dreams are the window of the soul.
A dream can bring guidance from the spirit world and the higher self.
A psychic skilled in dream interpretation can provide important information from the subconscious and help a client make important life decisions.
A dream interpretation session can often change the course of a person’s life. Dreams will often tell us what we are missing in our conscious life and lead us to our higher purpose.
Even if you don’t remember your dreams, a dream interpretation session can help you, based upon word association and intuition.

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Anthony Russell

Anthony Russell embodies the romantic vision of a psychic from New York city –  sophisticated, well-traveled, articulate, and a master of several mystery traditions reflecting the melting pot of his locale. A Manhattan native, Russel is well-known as a highly sought-after reader – and also as the owner of the former “Zodiac Lounge.” In the…