There is a Chinese proverb: With time and patience the Mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown. This is true on so many levels in Kissena Park in Flushing, Queens, NY Every June the berries on the many White Mulberry trees in the park ripen; hundreds of local residents bring bags, ladders to collect the nutritious…

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Reclaiming the Lost Powers of the Greek Healing Goddesses

Part of our work as neopagans is to help reinstate the divine feminine and respect for the natural world. Those of us who study the old religions know that the old myths were rewritten as the patriarchs claimed rule over all aspects of life. The change in societal customs, through the systematic stripping of female…

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Transitions – Keeping Love

As I sat at my father’s bedside toward the end of his passing, I saw him take an invisible (at least I couldn’t see it) glass from someone (who I also couldn’t see), bring it to his lips, drink and smiling, hand it back. He pointed to the wall behind me. There was no one…

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Astro Hot Tips for January 2021

Welcome to my monthly newsletter, Astro Hot Tips. I first started this in 1987 and published this until 2012. So it returns rises out of the ashes in 2021. Enjoy the advice and here’s to success for all.   Mercury retrograde alert, January 30th until, February 20th. Life doesn’t stop, just be more analytical about any…

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Whatever Happened to Sean David Morton?

For many years, Sean David Morton was the star of the esoteric community in New York City and was nicknamed “America’s Prophet” because of his world predictions. Now he sits in the federal penitentiary in Tuscon, Arizona. He claims he is a political prisoner, jailed because he drifted into right-wing radio; however, authorities say that…

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