Dee Dunckley

The Hermetic Astrologer Dee Dunckley is one of the best Hermetic Astrologers in the NYC esoteric community. Hermetic Astrology teaches that each person is created for a very special purpose – and that purpose is revealed in the birth chart. Dunckley’s journey into astrology began when she was 14 years old and came across a…

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Connect With Katerina

At a young age, Katerina first discovered her ability to connect with angels, spirit guides, and those that have passed. Katerina inherited her abilities from her Greek grandmother and great grandmother. After 27 years, Katerina’s abilities have become stronger with time and has come to use her mediumistic talents to assist people in all types…

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Aphrodite Divinia

The Love Witch Daisy Orsini is “100 percent witch.” A naturally-gifted psychic and hereditary witch, her Peruvian grandmother was traditional healer and her Portuguese grandmother was a “gypsy, who practiced the dark arts.” However, Daisy’s speciality is love. “I am a love witch,”she says. “I am in love with love.  Every since I was a…

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The Magick of New York

New York may be the financial capital of the world; however, many believe that it also is a esoteric capital of the world as well. Manhattan is a big rock, granite to be exact, interwoven with billions of quartz crystals.  The island itself descends down into the molten core of the Earth. Manhattan is a…

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